How CEFALY Works
CEFALY is an External Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation device (e-TNS) for migraines. With one device, users can access two settings — acute treatment and preventive treatment. CEFALY is a different type of migraine treatment. That's many users' favorite part. Take a closer look.

One device. Two Settings.
Use CEFALY at the onset of or during a migraine attack. When you feel a migraine coming on, you can reach for your CEFALY device. If you're new to the ACUTE CEFALY program, you'll want to slowly ramp up the intensity during the first 14 minutes of treatment.
Use CEFALY daily to prevent the frequency of migraine episodes . In one CEFALY trial, the analysis of 80 patients with migraine revealed that after using CEFALY daily for 20 consecutive minutes, the frequency of headache days and acute medication intake was reduced.
Attach the CEFALY device to your forehead with the reusable self-adhesive electrode.
You will feel a tingling sensation created by tiny electrical impulses from the CEFALY device stimulating the trigeminal nerve. Remember, you may need to use CEFALY more than once before you can fully enjoy the device's benefits — everyone's experience with the device differs.
Relief from an active migraine attack can be achieved in 60 minutes with CEFALY.
Daily 20 minute preventative treatment sessions can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine symptoms.
The CEFALY device will turn off automatically at the end of your session.
Treat the Root Cause of Migraine Pain With CEFALY
Most migraines happen because of trigeminal nerve activity, the largest and most complex cranial nerve. The trigeminal nerve's top branch can be accessed through the outside of the forehead on the skin. As an e-TNS, CEFALY delivers small electrical impulses through the forehead to stimulate the trigeminal nerve via a self-adhesive electrode. These impulses lessen the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.
CEFALY is an effective treatment for migraine — review CEFALY’s clinical studies for more information. Note that CEFALY works for individuals with migraine in different ways and at varying levels. While one person may feel the effects immediately, another may not experience them until after a few uses with a consistent schedule. Further, you control your CEFALY treatment intensity. It should never be painful, and treating your migraine at a lower intensity is effective and perfectly normal.

What Does CEFALY Feel Like?
At the start of a treatment, you may feel nothing or a slight tingling sensation, almost like your hair standing on end. The sensation or tingling feeling increases gradually and spreads through your forehead and the front part of your head. After about 14 minutes, the intensity stabilizes and remains constant until your treatment session is over.

1 Cleanse Your Skin
It's important to cleanse your skin before every CEFALY treatment session. This will help ensure the electrode attached securely to your forehead.
- Use soap and water to wash between and above your eyebrows. Afterward, be sure to dry your skin thoroughly.
- The use of makeup removing products is NOT recommended as a substitute for soap and water.

2 Opening The Electrode
Open the electrode packet and slide out the plastic sleeve, then peel off the electrode.

3 Position the Electrode
Use a mirror to place the Electrode so the curved area is in between your eyebrows and the wings are just above your eyebrows. Firmly run your fingers over the Electrode a few times until it lays flat against your skin.

4 Connect Your Device
On the back of your CEFALY Enhanced, you'll find two small magnetic contacts, designed to securely attach to the Electrode (the contact in the center connects to the charging dock). Hold your device so these magnets are exposed and bring it toward your forehead. You'll feel the device pulling itself toward the Electrode.
Once your device is securely attached to the Electrode on your forehead, you're ready to select either the ACUTE program or the PREVENT program.

You control your CEFALY treatment intensity. It should never be painful and treating your migraine at a lower intensity is effective and perfectly normal. For some, CEFALY is immediately effective. For others, it may take weeks for your treatment sessions to produce the results you’re seeking.

The Next Addition to Your Migraine Toolkit
CEFALY works as a primary migraine treatment or a supplement to an existing regimen.